Learn how to create a bean bag toss out of a box of cereal. Then practice your tossing skills and become an all-star!
You need:
- 2 boxes of 311g PEBBLES™ cereal
- Empty cereal bowl
- Empty juice cup
- Pencil
- 2 pieces of coloured construction paper
- 2 two-inch by three-inch plastic bags
- Scissors
- Glue
- Tape

Here’s what to do:
- Cut both skinny sides of the PEBBLES™ cereal box diagonally, so you have two half boxes about the same size.
- Glue construction paper to the front of both pieces.
- Using an empty bowl as a guide, trace a big circle on the top of each half-box.
- Using the empty cup, trace two smaller circles below the large circle on each half-box.
- Cut out the circles you traced.
- In each of the small bags, place ¼ cup dry PEBBLES™ cereal. Tape bags closed.
- Play some toss! The big hole is worth 1 point, small holes are worth 2 points. First to 20 points wins!
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Pebbles website is not intended for Quebec residents under 13